RIBERG ZP 42 Filling System


RIBERG ZP 42 A (Component A) is a mixture of polyether polyols containing a catalyst, functional additives, and a physical foaming agent.
RIBERG ZP B (Component B) is used in conjunction with Component A in a 2-component system to obtain rigid polyurethane foam.
All work with the system must be carried out by specially trained qualified personnel using properly functioning specialized equipment.

For professional use only
Designed for the production of rigid polyurethane foam by pouring with the help of high-pressure machines. Recommended for the production of sandwich panels using the periodic method.


Non-volatile content, %, not less than:
Component A 100
Component B 100
Viscosity at 20°C, mPa·s:
Component A 450-550
Component B 150-300
Mixing ratio of components A: B, by weight:
Component A 100
Component B 150
Minimum product density, kg/m3 42
Compression strength, kPa min 300
Water absorption by boiling, % by volume, % ≤7
Initial thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m·K)  0,023
Starting time at 20°C, sec 10-20
Gel time at 20°C, sec 150-200
Free density, kg/m3 25-32

Application Recommendations

To ensure optimal reaction capability and viscosity of the components before processing, it is necessary to bring the temperature of the components to the level of 20-25 °C.
Reaction parameters and free foaming density may vary depending on the intensity of mixing and the temperature of the components.
The recommended press temperature is 38-40 °C.

Packaging and Storage

Transportation and storage of system components should be carried out in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Transportation of system components is only done with closed transport. Transportation and storage of system components should be at temperatures not below +15 °C (for Component “1”), not below +20 °C (for Component “2”), and not exceeding +30 °C. Protect from freezing, direct sunlight exposure. The system components are highly hygroscopic!

Protect from contact with moisture and natural air humidity! It is FORBIDDEN to store opened packaging with remnants of system components for subsequent use!

Shelf life of system components: 6 months for Component “B” and 3 months for Component “A” (provided stored in a dry, heated room in tightly closed original packaging) from the date of manufacture. After the specified shelf life, the system components must be checked for compliance with technical specifications, and if their suitability is confirmed, they can be used as intended.

The product is supplied in barrels of 216 liters